Last Updated: May 16, 2022     Views: 208

After you've completed your search in Pubmed and are looking at an article record, you will see icons for Full Text to the right of the article title, towards the top right of the page. Full text options may include free access through PubMed Central, via a publisher link or with Find@Iona access. The options are described in greater detail below. 

Important: To ensure access via Find@ Iona for full-text articles, connect to PubMed through the Library (from the A-Z database list) or from this Pubmed link. These links require login if off-campus and are intended for the Iona College Community.

When full text is available in PubMed Central (PMC), the PMC FREE Full text icon will appear in the article record page under Full-Text Links. Click the icon to view the article in PMC. PMC is the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.

If the full-text of an article is not available via PMC or a publisher,use the Find@Iona icon to retrieve it from another database or to reach the request page to get it from another library through Interlibrary Loan.

Journal publishers may provide access to articles for free. Select the publisher icon if full text is not available through the PubMed Central or Find@Iona links. If full text is not free from the publisher, return to the Find@Iona button to place an ILL request. Always try to get the article via ILL, never pay for articles without checking with a librarian first.

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