Last Updated: Sep 06, 2022     Views: 227

First, perform a search on EBSCO and view the search results.   

Click on a source you are interested in using.   

Click on the "Cite" icon on the screen's right side; a screenshot titled "Cite Icon" is located below for visualization.   

EBSCO will generate a citation for nine different styles. Choose the citation format requested by your instructor. Copy and paste the citation onto your working document. It is suggested that you change the generated URL for the permalink URL.   

The permalink URL is found on the right side of the page; a screenshot titled "Permalink Icon" is located below for visualization.  

You may also export the citation directly to your Iona-supported RefWorks account.  

Always double-check the Citing Sources research guide to confirm that the citation is correct.   

An EBSCO video providing a tutorial on generating citations is below. 


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