Last Updated: Mar 27, 2023     Views: 112

Many databases allow you to set up email alerts, so you know when new resources become available for your search (topic, Author). 

No single database covers all documentation, so set up alerts across a range of databases. 

EBSCO Alerts  

  1. From an EBSCO search page, click on the choose database link. Scroll through and choose a database relevant to your field to search 

  1. In the EBSCO database, you choose run a search for your topic. 

  1. Click on the “Share” link when you have results  

  1. In the “Create an Alert” section of the dropdown menu, click “Email Alert” 

  1. A pop-up box will appear 

  1. Sign In and fill out boxes to your preferences (make sure you enter an email address to receive the alerts) 

  1. Save 

ProQuest Alerts 

  1. From a ProQuest search page, click on the choose database link. Scroll through and choose a database relevant to your field to search 

  1. Create a search from your chosen database 

  1. When the desired results appear, click “Save Search/Alert” 

  1. Click “Create Alert” 

  1. A pop-up box will appear 

  1. Fill out the form to your preferences 

  1. You will receive an email you need to confirm 

Gale Alerts 

  1. Search for your topic 

  1. When the desired results appear, click “Create a Search Alert” 

  1. A pop-up box will appear 

  1. Click Email 

  1. Enter your email and frequency 


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