Last Updated: Apr 03, 2023     Views: 120

You can search from the WorldCat search bar or any of the 230+ databases Iona University provides to find a specific resource type. 

  1. WorldCat search bar - an online catalog for locating books, articles, streaming media, and more
  2. Databases - searchable collections of academic research, journal articles, newspapers, and magazines 

Links to the database and research guide pages are located beneath the WorldCat search bar on the library homepage.


  • From the result list, click on the arrow labeled "Looking for a"
  • Choose from the selection the type of source you need: book (print or ebook), article, chapter, etc.)


  • Use the advanced search option (location varies depending on the database) to enter your search term
  • Scroll to "Document or Item Type" and choose from the provided options
  • Click search

You will also find filters to limit by date, holdings by Iona, and peer review, among others.

The Research Essentials Research Guide (link is under the WorldCat search bar) provides more information on finding sources.

 For assistance, contact a librarian. 

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