Last Updated: Mar 21, 2023     Views: 370

It is required by MLA, APA & Chicago styles (notes/bibliography) to know precisely what information is found from another source. Citations also help to distinguish your words and thoughts from others. So, while it might feel awkward to write and read a paragraph with a citation at the end of every sentence, it is necessary.

An end-of-paragraph citation does not meet the standards of most citation styles. In most cases, a citation is required (either in-text or as a superscript number/footnote) for every sentence that contains information from a source.

Exception for Chicago:

An exception to this is when using the Chicago Author/Date style; please check with your professor first to determine if this style is accepted. If permitted, please see the link below. 

Exception for APA:

APA also does permit one citation to be used at the beginning of a paragraph and not be repeated as long as it is evident that all additional sentences continue the paraphrase. Using words like; Additionally, Furthermore Moreover, Also, etc., might help convey this but be careful as it must be clear you are referring to the same source.

MLA Handbook Rules are found in section 6.43 Placement of Parenthetical Citations in the MLA Handbook Plus

APA Style Guide Rules on found on the Six Steps to Proper Citation Infographic

APA Style Guide Rules on Paraphrasing

Chicago Manual - Author-Date Reference Rules on Several references to the same source


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